Welcome to New World Wellness Center

Your Place to find the inspiration and direction to finally realize your health and wellness goals.

Mt. Pleasant, South Carolina (843) 881-5745


It is so easy to put our personal health on the back burner with everything else we have to handle in our lives. The interesting thing is by focusing on our health we can actually improve the performance in all areas of our life.
It can be overwhelming on how to start. So many diets, so many programs and none of them seem to work ~ what does one do?
That is where coaching comes into play. Through coaching you can find a safe place to voice you concerns and actually have someone take the time to LISTEN. Coaching is designed for YOU not to make the NY Times best seller list. It's not about the bulk sales of a program but what will work for you. Based on your wellness goals, we custom design the most efficient approach for you to achieve your ideal vision of Optimal Wellness.
Through small steps session by session you will begin to achieve your goals, feel better and have much more energy. The beauty of coaching is you can be stopped dead in your tracks if you are off course and guided back on track. So failure is not an option.
To discuss the benefits of coaching contact us today.
Your Personal Wellness Program includes:
SMART wellness goals reflective of your vision of Optimal Wellness
weekly action steps to incrementally advance you towards your wellness goals
focused fitness routines
on-the-go activities to continue progress towards your goals even when you are traveling
accountability to ensure success in achieving your goals
access to our expert wellness coaches for creative ideas and scientific answers to your health & fitness questions



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